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Alumni Involvement & Engagement (INSTRUCTOR NEEDED)

The people that can help you most are those that have been there before. Find out how you can keep those Alumni ties strong and also knowing limits of involvement.


Parliamentary Procedures (INSTRUCTOR NEEDED)

Are you a little Rusty on Robert’s Rules of Order? By the time you leave this interactive workshop you will be a pro!


Disciplinary Procedures (INSTRUCTOR NEEDED)

Does your chapter have a formal process for disciplinary action of members? Is your chapter hoping to develop a formal process? Find out how to keep a Brotherly environment while still conducting disciplinary actions within the chapter.


When Business Becomes Personal (INSTRUCTOR NEEDED)

Sometimes there is a thin line between business and personal. What happens when BRO becomes BAE? OR when FRIEND becomes FOE? Let’s talk about boundaries, biases, and how to not let personal issues affect the chapter.


Reaping the Benefits: Using APO for Personal Development (INSTRUCTOR NEEDED)

Friendship and service are easy to grasp, but sometimes we forget the LEADERSHIP. How can we use APO to develop leaders within the organization that will be community leaders upon graduation? What is a leader?


What’s Next?: Staying Involved as an Alumni Member (INSTRUCTOR NEEDED)

Alpha Phi Omega is a LIFETIME commitment, so how can members stay involved for a lifetime? This workshop will discuss the steps needed to make an Alumni Chapter in your area and why Alumni chapters are important. Also included are how you can be involved in you section or region as an Alumni.


Membership Retention (INSTRUCTOR NEEDED)

Discuss effective strategies for getting high levels of chapter participation, maintaining good relationships within the chapter, increasing chapter morale, membership retreats, activities for getting to know brothers and MORE!


Personal Development 101: Finding the Leader in You (INSTRUCTOR NEEDED)

Everyone has different styles of leadership and something that they can contribute to the team. A lot of times, it takes us a while to figure out exactly what that is. This intensive workshop will help you with figuring out how to activate the leader in you and how you can best fit those skills to match what your chapter needs.


Making a Presence (Instructor Needed)

Learn ways to market your chapter on campus and in the community. Get tips on how to build alliances with other organizations on campus and in your community. Are you using social media to the best of your ability? Find out how to enhance your chapter’s reputation.


Recruitment 101: Quantity vs Quality (Instructor Needed)

Recruitment can be a hassle when that time comes around. This session is meant to be an open dialogue about what you think works best and how it has helped your chapter. Talk with other members about their Pledge selection process and how different chapters work to attain a diverse constituency.


Recruitment 102: Creating a Diverse Chapter (Instructor Needed)

Diversity has one meaning, but can be shown in many ways. If your chapter is struggling to have members of different backgrounds, come here to find out what can be done to assist with this issue.


Risk Management: Understanding the Alcohol Policy (Speaker Needed)

The 2014 National Conference brought about changes that some chapters are still learning to grasp. This talk back session will have a representative present to speak with us about the new alcohol policy and what it means for chapters.


APO Connection: Interchapter Networking (Instructor Needed)

Is your chapter working towards trying to have a better relationship  with other chapters? Send a representative from your chapter to use this time to get information from other chapters and find out ways to be involved with each other throughout the school year.


Rituals (Instructor Needed)

Share ideas on how to make Rituals special for current and potential members


Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems (Instructor Needed)

Having more money is often thought of as a great space for a chapter to be in; However, many times chapters underestimate just how fast funds deplete and forget to reserve for future semesters. Let’s talk about money management and budgeting in this workshop and how your chapter can save and enjoy its funds.


F is for Friendship (Instructor Needed)

Leadership and service are oftentimes evident in chapters, but it may be hard to see the friendship. Some chapters are filled with conflict preventing them from exploring possibilities of friendship and some chapter struggle to build those bonds even when conflict is not present. Use this workshop to find out what you can do to increase the Friendship in your chapter.


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